Am I an obese?
A few days ago while I read my email I saw an advertising about obesity. Till then I didn't asked if I am or not obed. I started with a test to check if I am obed or not. The first step, it was to find a site to verify my BMI (Body Mass Index). I've found the site: After this, I selected the tab METRIC and I filled the fields Your height = 170 cm, Your weight = 99 Kg and clicked on the button Compute BMI. To my surprise I've got BMI = 34.3. Looking at the BMI categories below, we can say that I am an obese.
BMI Categories
- Underweight = [0, 18.5)
- Normal weight = (18.5, 24.9)
- Overweight = [25, 29.9)
- Obesity = [30, n)