Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Morbid Obesity

Morbid Obesity

According to NIH (United States National Institutes of Health), the term morbid obesity is defined as being 50-100 percent above one's ideal body weight or 100 pounds above one's ideal body weight. Alternatively, obesity specialists use a BMI (Body Mass Index) value of 39 or greater to diagnose morbid obesity.
Morbid obesity is on the rise in Romania, among both adults and children.
In general, obesity is responsible for the appearance of one of the following diseases:
      1. Hypertension
      2. Heart failure
      3. Respiratory disorders
      4. Diabetes
      5. Fatty liver disease NASH
      6. Increased risk of heart attack
      7. Cancer
      8. Impaired fertility in women and sexual potency in men

Example of Morbid Obesity

Stelian Jurca from Bucharest, Romania was diagnosed in February, 2010 with morbid obesity. He managed to get from 350 kg to 150 kg in just four months after a surgery which was made to St. John Hospital in Bucharest, according to Reality TV channel. When the doctors saw on Stelian Jurca first time, they said that he will lose 100 kg in six months. But the man has exceeded all expectations, he lost weight twice as much.

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