Sunday, May 20, 2012

How did this blog?

Am I an obese?

A few days ago while I read my email I saw an advertising about obesity. Till then I didn't asked  if I am or not obed. I started with a test to check if I am obed or not. The first step, it was to find a site to verify my  BMI  (Body Mass Index). I've found the site:  After this, I selected the tab METRIC and I filled the fields Your height  = 170 cm Your weight = 99 Kg and clicked on the button Compute BMI. To my surprise I've got BMI = 34.3. Looking at the BMI categories below, we can say that I am an obese.

BMI Categories

  1. Underweight = [0, 18.5)
  2. Normal weight = (18.5, 24.9)
  3. Overweight = [25, 29.9)
  4. Obesity = [30, n)
where n >= 30


My personal  mission is to pass in the third category : Overweight  and to help other people with the same problems to do the same things.  I think this thing it is possible in a maximum one year without any surgical procedures. I eat to lose Weight and Build Muscle.

Monday, May 14, 2012

What is Obesity?

What is Obesity?

The obesity is defined as an increase in body weight with 20% over ideal weight. It is expressed by the value of BMI  (Body Mass Index) .  BMI is defined as the individual's body mass divided by the square of his or her height.

Obesity is one of most serious problems of society today. The statistics are very alarming: one of four women are obese or overweight, and two of three women have problems with weight or less.

This disease can be a warning to us all. To stop the disease, many people make different operations to decrease your stomach to stop eating so much, and get to lose weight. I don't know if it is good or bad to make , but I think that the best thing is to prevent the obesity.

There are many different surgical procedures, but the the most frequently used world-wide are: Morbid Obesity.  More information you can find to : Treatment of Morbid Obesity